Mental Health
Winter Newsletter
Greetings all You may have noticed that I haven't been posting much lately. There's a very good reason for that, which may (or may not) come to a blog near you soon. I’ve been writing about it daily as a way of coping, but I’m not sure whether I’m ready to share it...
In praise of walking
As I walked I started to notice more, to pay closer attention. I watched the ever-changing cloud shapes as they shifted from moment to moment. I was transfixed by the first star appearing against a burnt orange horizon.
We are all feeling very grateful, judging by the ubiquity of this common hashtag. But what does it really mean? The word gratitude is derived from the Latin word gratia, meaning grace, graciousness or gratefulness. It is a thankful acknowledgement of all that is good...
The power of creativity
My school was buzzing with creativity last month. As a relative newcomer I was impressed by the depth of artistic talent being nurtured amongst the peppermint trees, as showcased in the production, Footloose, and on display throughout our Arts Day. What struck...
New monthly well-being column in PLC Lighthouse News
My unexpected journey Sometimes our lives don’t follow the path we had expected. If you had told me six years ago that I would be a published author and a Beyond Blue speaker I would have looked at you as if you’d just told me Donald Trump had won the Nobel Peace...
Read, write, speak, heal
Six years ago I was in a very dark place as Christmas approached, and in early 2013 all the light in my world disappeared. As I began to emerge from the blackness, I found reading other people’s stories enlightening and immensely comforting after the despair and fear...
Through the sunset: disconnect and reconnect
I went to Melbourne recently for an event to promote my books, raise awareness about anxiety and depression and share some of my story. It just so happened to coincide with the start of the Australian Open – what perfect timing. Travel, books, well-being and tennis:...
Rest, reflect, replenish, reset
It's easy to feel overwhelmed as Christmas approaches. Just when we need to rest, reflect, replenish and reset, it seems there is an endless list of things to be done. Sometimes we can lose sight of what really matters and get caught up in the fervour and frenzy, in...
Sue’s book literally changed my life
This comment popped up on my timeline last week: ‘Sue’s book (Changing Lightbulbs) literally changed my life. Easy to read, this heart-warming story of a personal journey is wonderful’. To that reader, thank you. I’m humbled and beyond joyful that my book changed...
Read, write, speak, heal
Six years ago I was in a very dark place as Christmas approached, and in early 2013 all the light in my world disappeared. As I emerged from the blackness, I found reading other people’s stories immensely comforting after the despair and fear that had engulfed me....
Into the sunlight
I recently attended a ‘free’ masterclass event, hoping to get some tips on how to market my book, Changing Lightbulbs, and get more speaking engagements. The presenter was a charismatic multi-billionaire. I liked him. He was engaging and entertaining. He got the...
Judge not
One of the perils of putting yourself out there in the public domain is that you become completely vulnerable to the judgement of others, and for sensitive souls this is less than pleasant. I can’t imagine anyone would like it, but for some of us it is more of a...
Wanted: Dependable housekeeper/office manager. Flexible hours. Terms negotiable.
So I’m doing my best to keep a neat and tidy home office that projects just the right blend of creativity and efficiency, a streamlined yet stimulating environment in which to play with words. In reality my organisational skills are less than conventional. My modus...
A few years ago, when I was in a very dark place, I had a friend with the most amazingly luscious curly hair. We had been through a lot together. We had talked for hours and cried and buoyed each other up and hugged and cried and cried some more. And had fun, and then...
Sweet dreams
I met this great guy at a party recently. He is a sleep specialist. Why did I not meet him years ago? In the totally platonic sense of course, both of us being mostly happily married. We have so much in common. He is also renovating his house and experiencing ‘tradie...
Days like these
There are days when everyone and everything grates, when the driver of the Qashqai in front of you hogs the right hand lane while maintaining an infuriating speed precisely 3 km/h below the limit; when the frosty receptionist at the medical centre tells you with...
The (not quite) lost art of letter writing
The (not quite) lost art of letter writing Sometimes we forget to look up. We become so weighed down by the clutter of our daily lives, preoccupied with the screens in front of us, or the pressing problems we feel will never be resolved, so ridden with fruitless...
New Year’s Revelation: Let the day begin
Apparently New Year’s resolutions don’t work for Meghan Markle. Looks like she’s doing OK. Has a pretty good life, starred in one of the most popular TV shows of the decade and has found her prince. I’m with Meghan. On New Year’s Day I turned on the TV to find a happy...
Kindred spirits
For those who read my last post, ‘A trifecta of unfortunate events’, there is a sequel, coming soon to a website near you. And it involves shovelling shit. Literally. But that’s not the tale I’m going to tell today. Today, Christmas Day, is a time for joy, love,...
Inspired Story
In Sue’s words... What inspires me: The beauty of the natural world, finding kindness where you least expect it, making new connections with amazing people, travel, curiosity, taking life slowly, the simple things, my beautiful family, my close friends, honesty and...
Being creative
I was brought up not to ‘blow my own trumpet’, to such an extent that at the ripe old age of 54 I still struggle to believe that anything I do or create is ever any good. But I am changing, gradually and quietly changing into someone who finally believes in their...
Travelling light
A few years ago I was carrying around at least five over sized suitcases of baggage. They came with me everywhere, although plane travel was clearly out of the question. No airport trolley could accommodate my five suitcases, and my excess baggage costs would have far...