News & Media
The solace of nature
Lately, I’ve been saddened to the point of despair by the state of the planet, by the fear and divisiveness that abound, by the algorithm vortexes that contract rather than expand minds and gobble up the gullible. I have no answers, but when I look at the wonder of...
Cancer In The Time Of Covid: Part Two
It’s been a while since I shared my cancer diagnosis online. In the days following that post I was overwhelmed by the messages of love and support I received from friends and family across the world and have drawn strength from every comment and acknowledgement. It...
Fighting cancer in the time of COVID
Curve balls and short straws On any ordinary day you go to your GP because of something you’ve noticed in your body, something that you think, you desperately hope, is nothing to be alarmed about. But it’s been there for a while and you finally decide to have it...
Winter Newsletter
Greetings all You may have noticed that I haven't been posting much lately. There's a very good reason for that, which may (or may not) come to a blog near you soon. I’ve been writing about it daily as a way of coping, but I’m not sure whether I’m ready to share it...
New monthly well-being column in PLC Lighthouse News
My unexpected journey Sometimes our lives don’t follow the path we had expected. If you had told me six years ago that I would be a published author and a Beyond Blue speaker I would have looked at you as if you’d just told me Donald Trump had won the Nobel Peace...
Shedding light on mental health: a heartwarming testimonial.
‘We were lucky enough to have Sue Tredget as the guest speaker at our workplace information session about mental health. Having the opportunity to hear Sue’s story was an absolute privilege. She was warm, knowledgeable, informative, captivating and hilarious. Olivia...
Chidren’s Book Launch: My Colour Collection
I am thrilled to be launching the first four books in My Colour Collection in the Library at St Mark's Anglican Community School on 16th August at 11 am. Huge thanks to the wonderful Head of Library, Shirley McKibbin and all the library and early learning staff for...
Inspired Story
In Sue’s words... What inspires me: The beauty of the natural world, finding kindness where you least expect it, making new connections with amazing people, travel, curiosity, taking life slowly, the simple things, my beautiful family, my close friends, honesty and...