Jun 12, 2017 | This First World Life
My friend Julia and I talked on Skype last night. We don’t do it often enough. She lives in London, I am in Perth. We’d locked the time in for 6.30 and I warned the family – “I’m Skyping Julia”. They knew I would be a while. The connection wasn’t good initially, we’d...
Jun 12, 2017 | Mental Health, This First World Life
I was brought up not to ‘blow my own trumpet’, to such an extent that at the ripe old age of 54 I still struggle to believe that anything I do or create is ever any good. But I am changing, gradually and quietly changing into someone who finally believes in their...
Jun 12, 2017 | Mental Health, This First World Life
A few years ago I was carrying around at least five over sized suitcases of baggage. They came with me everywhere, although plane travel was clearly out of the question. No airport trolley could accommodate my five suitcases, and my excess baggage costs would have far...