Jan 21, 2019 | Mental Health, This First World Life, Travelling Tales
I went to Melbourne recently for an event to promote my books, raise awareness about anxiety and depression and share some of my story. It just so happened to coincide with the start of the Australian Open – what perfect timing. Travel, books, well-being and tennis:...
May 26, 2018 | Mental Health, This First World Life
So I’m doing my best to keep a neat and tidy home office that projects just the right blend of creativity and efficiency, a streamlined yet stimulating environment in which to play with words. In reality my organisational skills are less than conventional. My modus...
Feb 16, 2018 | Mental Health, This First World Life |
I met this great guy at a party recently. He is a sleep specialist. Why did I not meet him years ago? In the totally platonic sense of course, both of us being mostly happily married. We have so much in common. He is also renovating his house and experiencing ‘tradie...
Feb 9, 2018 | Mental Health, This First World Life |
There are days when everyone and everything grates, when the driver of the Qashqai in front of you hogs the right hand lane while maintaining an infuriating speed precisely 3 km/h below the limit; when the frosty receptionist at the medical centre tells you with...
Jan 26, 2018 | Mental Health, This First World Life
The (not quite) lost art of letter writing Sometimes we forget to look up. We become so weighed down by the clutter of our daily lives, preoccupied with the screens in front of us, or the pressing problems we feel will never be resolved, so ridden with fruitless...
Jan 9, 2018 | This First World Life
My choice of therapy has never been of the retail variety. I’m not a shopper. There are many reasons why, some of which include the fact that I’m not good at making decisions (you can read more about that in my book, Changing Lightbulbs), I feel guilty that I have...