Jan 21, 2019 | Mental Health, This First World Life, Travelling Tales
I went to Melbourne recently for an event to promote my books, raise awareness about anxiety and depression and share some of my story. It just so happened to coincide with the start of the Australian Open – what perfect timing. Travel, books, well-being and tennis:...
Dec 24, 2018 | Mental Health
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed as Christmas approaches. Just when we need to rest, reflect, replenish and reset, it seems there is an endless list of things to be done. Sometimes we can lose sight of what really matters and get caught up in the fervour and...
Dec 21, 2018 | Mental Health
This comment popped up on my timeline last week: ‘Sue’s book (Changing Lightbulbs) literally changed my life. Easy to read, this heart-warming story of a personal journey is wonderful’. To that reader, thank you. I’m humbled and beyond joyful that my book changed...
Dec 14, 2018 | Mental Health
Six years ago I was in a very dark place as Christmas approached, and in early 2013 all the light in my world disappeared. As I emerged from the blackness, I found reading other people’s stories immensely comforting after the despair and fear that had engulfed me....
Nov 23, 2018 | Mental Health |
I recently attended a ‘free’ masterclass event, hoping to get some tips on how to market my book, Changing Lightbulbs, and get more speaking engagements. The presenter was a charismatic multi-billionaire. I liked him. He was engaging and entertaining. He got the...
Jun 13, 2018 | Mental Health |
One of the perils of putting yourself out there in the public domain is that you become completely vulnerable to the judgement of others, and for sensitive souls this is less than pleasant. I can’t imagine anyone would like it, but for some of us it is more of a...