Greener Grass
When someone tells me the grass isn't always greener on the other side, I always correct them by stating unequivocally that the grass is most certainly greener in the land of my birth. Ireland is poetically known as the Emerald Isle for very good reason. I would even...
On friendship and music
Way back in the 1980s I worked with a guy called Neil on the advertising sales team of a magazine company. I was a terrible salesperson. I wasn't motivated by money or targets or commission, but it was fun for a while, despite my lack of business acumen....
In praise of walking
As I walked I started to notice more, to pay closer attention. I watched the ever-changing cloud shapes as they shifted from moment to moment. I was transfixed by the first star appearing against a burnt orange horizon.
Sweet Nostalgia
So, there have been these challenges going around on Facebook. You know the ones: choose ten favourite songs from the 80s or ten albums that influenced you and post them over ten consecutive days, without explanation. I don’t usually join in with such things. But the...